What defect is indicated in this trace?

Answer #6:
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Eastern Gas Compression Roundtable
Education to the national gas industry
What defect is indicated in this trace?
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What kind of unit is this?
Cooper Bessemer 8V250
What is this defect called?
Church Windows
Something is horribly wrong in this picture… What is it?
The crankshaft is being loaded on to an arched trailer. This design will lead to the crankshaft being bent during transit. Crankshafts should be transported using cradles on true flat deck trailers with no arch.
While this is a much smaller engine than we typically deal with, what can you discern from these piston faces?
The edges of the piston are clean, which indicates an excessive amount of oil is present. This condition can impact emissions, increase oil consumption, cause carbon deposits in the ring lands, and ultimately increase operational costs.