During the early 1970’s, discussion was commonplace among local gas industry and support personnel concerning the need for a program to address operating and maintenance questions on engine/compressor systems in the Morgantown, WV area.
Those early pioneers were:
- Edward Schwartz, Consolidated Gas Supply Corp.
- Don Boundurant, West Virginia University
- Lewis Wetzel, Peoples Natural Gas Company
- Rodney S. Applegate, Consolidated Gas Supply Corp.
- Arthur J. Kerr, Jr., Kerr Engineered Sales Co.
- Glenn Poole, Equitable Gas Company
- John Sloan, Sloan Brothers, Inc.
- William A. Miller, Ingersoll Rand Company
- Richard A. Boulden, R. Boulden Company
The first Roundtable was held May 16-18, 1973 on the Evansdale Campus of West Virginia University in cooperation with the College of Mineral Energy Resources. The “roundtable” discussion format was utilized with group discussions on eleven selected topics of interest. A member of the industry served as discussion leader in each session with manufacturing and/or service organization representatives serving as resource leaders. Attendance of 341 people representing more than 100 companies was recorded. With this base to grow on, the roundtable has expanded and includes lectures and hands on workshops. Attendance has exceeded 1,000 with people from all over the country and even some foreign attendees.
Board of Directors
Chairman Frank Parker EQT Corporation Vice Chairman Brian Connell Ellwood Crankshaft Secretary Keith Sauter Interstate-McBee Treasurer Joe Senko ACI Services, Inc. Exhibits Chairman Robert Rafalko Waukesha Pearce Industries Exhibits Vice Chairman M. Ingram Program Chairman Patrick Hughes EQT Corporation Program Vice Chairman Jason Lilly EQT Corporation |
Publicity Chairman